Tuesday 4 April 2017

Scrap and Craft Inspiration Winner & Top 3 Challenge #1

Hello dear Scrap & Craft fans
A huge thanks to all of you who entered our first
challenge with your "Celebration" creations

We had 79 beautiful entries,  thank you so much for your
 support and amazing artwork, the Design Team had the very difficult 
decision  in choosing our winner but with our votes counted we
can announce that the winner of the prize from Aneta is

Number 12  Olenkaja with this beautiful entry

 !!! Congratulations!!! 

Please contact Aneta at scrapandcraft.co.uk@gmail.com to claim your prize 

and take your well deserved Winners Badge to display on your blog!!

The top 3 chosen by our DT members

in no particular order are:

Congratulations Ladies you all receive a 15%
discount on your next order at Scrap & Craft 
please contact Aneta at the email above.

 Take Your Top 3 badge to display on your Blog.

Our current challenge can be found HERE 

Love from the Scrap & Craft Design Team.


  1. Wooow... thank you so much, congratulation to other...

  2. Thank you for noting my work! Very happy!

  3. I'm very happy to see, be choosen at the top 3, many thanks DT members!
    The other lady's also congratulations!!
    xx Gerie
